Village Council
2nd Monday of the month
Arts Commission
4th Tuesday of the month
Sewer Board
3rd Thursday of the month
Planning Commission
4th Monday of the month
What's New
Notice is hereby given that the Dimondale Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Dimondale Village Hall, 136 N. Bridge Street, Dimondale, MI, for the purpose of obtaining public comments on the following proposed item:
Special Use Permit for Stomped in Michigan, a wine tasting room and gift shop, located at 140 N. Bridge Street to provide outdoor seating.
Interested parties are invited to attend and contribute any comments or concerns. In the alternative, written comments may also be submitted to the Village Manager at PO Box 26, Dimondale, MI 48821 or to
Mark Your Calendars
Dimondale Farmers Market Thursdays 3-7 pm
Leaf pickup October 14th - October 18th
Notice of Ordinance Adoption
To the residents and property owners of the Village of Dimondale, Eaton County, Michigan, and other interested persons. Please take notice that the Dimondale Village Council, at a regular meeting held September 9, 2024 did adopt the following Ordinance governing said Village:
ORDINANCE 2024-03: An ordinance amending Chapter 662- Blight- by expanding definitions for inoperable:
"Junk/Wrecked Inoperable Motor Vehicle" means any vehicle which cannot be operated under its own power or cannot function as it was intended and designed to function, or does not meet Michigan State Motor Vehicle Statutes, whether or not a a valid registration exists, or any vehicle without a valid registration that is located on a premises for more than 14 days.
Complete copies of the text can be examined at the Village Office, 136 N. Bridge St., Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Danielle Tiedeman
Village Manager/Clerk
Latest Project in Village
The Danford Park Restroom Project has been completed with the addition of this beautiful interpretive sign.
This project is a result of a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) Grant. The grant provided $126,000 in funding towards the Project.
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